Incredible new Drone footage of Nemesis Reborn!

Incredible new Drone footage of Nemesis Reborn!

Nemesis Reborn is due to open in just 3 days time, the 16th March 2024, and Alton Towers have gotten their drone out again and filmed this incredible video of the rebuilt coaster at night, with what seems to be snippets of remixed or rerecorded audio.

Nemesis Reborn is a retracked version of the original Nemesis, which opened in 1994. The new version features 90% new track and supports, although the layout remains the same, which should provide an intense experience for another 30+ years.

Along with the new track and supports, Merlin have purchased brand new trains and have refreshed the stations, lighting, set pieces and music.

If you’re planning on going to Alton Towers this year be sure to check our Merlin Annual Pass Guide to see what is a MAP is right for you.